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Meet the Modern Latinas



Diamond is the CEO of Sparkle by Diamond, an event planning business that specializes in personalized party planning. Founded in 2015, the company's motto is to help moms host Pinterest-perfect parties on a budget.


Sparkle by Diamond has an online store that offers unique and personalized products. These include one-of-a-kind candy jar centerpieces, which can be customized to match the theme of any event, as well as digital downloads for baby showers and birthdays. These downloads include invitations, games and all party decor needs, making it easy for customers to plan and execute a successful event.


In addition, Diamond also runs RoseDiamond Events, a day-of wedding coordination company. With a passion for creating memorable events and a keen eye for detail, Diamond has established herself as a leading figure in the event planning industry. Her dedication to helping her clients bring their dream parties to life has made her a go-to choice for those looking to host a truly special celebration.



Mireya is the CEO of Sort it Out, an organizing company that helps people create a peaceful and functional home environment. Her mission is to assist individuals in decluttering and organizing their space in a minimalistic way, using only the essentials that truly bring joy and serve a purpose. Mireya believes that less is more, and that a simplified home leads to a clearer mind and a happier life.


With over years of experience in the organizing and decluttering field, Mireya has developed a keen eye for identifying what is truly important and what can be let go. Her minimalist approach to organizing has helped countless individuals to free themselves from the burden of excess possessions and create a home that truly reflects their values and priorities.


Mireya is also a homeschooling mother of 3 children, and she understands the importance of creating a functional and organized environment for learning and living. She understands the unique challenges of balancing the demands of family life and work, and her approach to organizing is tailored to meet the specific needs of busy families.


Mireya's dedication to helping people create a peaceful and functional home environment has made her a sought-after expert in the field of organizing. Her belief that a simplifies home leads to a clearer mind and a happier life is evident in the transformation she brings to the spaces and lives of her clients.

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